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Tarleton Mere Brow

CE Primary School

Let Your Light Shine



Tarleton Mere Brow

CE Primary School

Let Your Light Shine

Contact Us

Contact Details


Our SENCO is Mrs S Livesey - Headteacher

The Deputy SENCO is Miss J Rowe - Assistant Head

both can be contacted by phoning 01772 812689

or emailing head@merebrow.lancs.sch.uk

Accessibility and Inclusion


What the school provides

·        How accessible is the school environment?

The building is fully wheelchair accessible. We have 1 accessible parking space.

There are accessible changing/toilet facilities. There is a ramp to improve access to the school.

  • Our information is fully accessible. - including displays, policies and procedures etc.

We can have information available in different font sizes if necessary. We can communicate with parents and families whose first language is not English by providing letter translations and accessing a translator.  Information is made accessible to parents and families with additional needs by our website and text system.

·        We make use of resources such as symbols, pictures and sign graphics to support children's access to resources. As a small school we can plan alternative ways of presenting activities so that children can access them.

·         We use the IDL program ( Cloud Learning) as assistive technology for children with dyslexic or literacy needs.


Teaching and Learning


What the school provides

  • To identify and assess children with SEN we assess using Staff expertise, PIVATS, AFL , We liaise with IDSS and request help when necessary.
  • Additional support is provided in the classroom when funding is accessible.
  • We facilitate access to the whole curriculum and foster independent learning particularly in our creative curriculum log books and Focus groups.
  • SEN and disability and awareness training is available to all staff. From the SENCO attending training and sharing at INSET days.
  • The Headteacher has been a SENCO for 11 years and therefore specialises/ has expertise in SEN and disability.

·        Ongoing support and development is in place for staff supporting children and young people with SEN from the SENCO, IDSS and School Educational Psychologist when necessary.

  • School makes the following reasonable adjustments and support for the child during tests and SATs for example requesting extra time , reader , larger print booklets etc..
  • Our SEN provision map illustrates the range and level of support for individual pupils or groups with similar needs and the resources allocated to meet those needs.


Reviewing and Evaluating Outcomes


What the school provides

·        Arrangements are fully in place for review meetings for children with Statements or Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plans following School portal procedures.

·        Arrangements are in place for children with other SEN support needs by early identification, CAF completion, as a small school we have a close relationship with families, we provide IEPs termly and invite Parent/ Carers in to discuss our provision and next steps.

·        We assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the provision we make for children and young people with SEN and Disability through assessment analysis and with our School Educational psychologist.


Keeping Children Safe


What the school provides

·        Risk assessments are done by the Headteacher who is also the premises manager .

  • At the start and end of the school day staff are available for quick discussions or home school books can be used to pass on messages for a longer meeting we request you to call into the office and make an appointment.
  • We have parking areas for pick up and drop offs.
  • Arrangements will be made to supervise a child during breaks and lunchtimesif necessary, school uses some of the Pupil premium finding for extra welfare support at breaks and lunchtimes.
  • We ensure a child stays safe outside the classroom (e.g. during PE lessons, school trips) with Class teacher and TA support.

·        parents can find details of policies on anti-bullying on our website



Health (including Emotional Health and Wellbeing)


What the school provides

·        We manage the safe keeping and administration of medication through our school office and place medicines in a locked cupboard or in the staffroom fridge.

  • We work with a family to draw up a care plan and ensure that all relevant staff are fully aware of the plan by holding 1 to 1 meetings with the family TAC or TAF meetings.
  • In the case of a medical emergency the school would use the Child’s care plan and follow the exact procedures outlined within.
  • We ensure that staff are trained/qualified to deal with a child’s particular needs through INSET or prescribed courses for certain needs.

·        At the present time there are no health or therapy services that can be accessed on school premises but we can signpost families to these services elsewhere.


Communication with Parents


What the school provides

·        As a very small school all our parents know “who’s who” and who they can contact if they have concerns about their child/young person also through our welcome to school board and our website.

  • We generally have an ‘Open Door policy’ for parents to communicate with key staff for a quick conversation but if a longer meeting is needed an appointment will be necessary.
  • We keep parents updated with their child/young person’s progress 3 times a year.
  • We offer Open Days and parents/ carers are invited to celebrate with us every Friday afternoon in Weekly Celebration Worship.

·        Parents can give feedback to the school via our feedback boxes, our questionnaires and through parent view online there is a link on our website. 


Working Together

What the school provides

  • We offer every child the opportunity to have their say e.g. Whole school council, pupil Attitude Questionnaire. Worry boxes. PSHE and Circle times.
  • Parents can have their say about their child’s education by giving feedback to the school via our feedback boxes, our annual questionnaires and through Parent View online there is a link on our website. 
  • Parents can get fully involved in the life of the school or become school governors by volunteering in school with: reading, sports, Golden time, helping transport to visits etc. and by keeping an eye on our Weekly newsletter for help requests.
  • The Governing Body involve other agencies in meeting the needs of pupils with SEN and supporting their families by working with  health, social care, voluntary groups

Our home/school contracts/agreements support children with SEN and their families.


What help and support is available for the family?


What the school provides

·        We gladly help with completing forms and paperwork just ask at the School office.

  • Information, advice and guidance can be accessed on SEN, Benefits, Free School meals through the school. Our Office staff will provide this help and parents have only to ask.

·        School will help parents with travel plans to get their child to and from school and liaise with County if funding is provided.



Transition to Secondary School


What the school provides

·        The school offers full support around transition e.g. visits to the secondary school, buddying etc.


Extra Curricular Activities


What the school provides

·        We signpost an offer for school holiday care at Tarleton Academy and provide before and after school childcare in school from 8a.m.until 5p.m.

            See our website for ‘Mere Brow Extra’.

  • We have varied lunchtime or after school activities e.g. Fantastic Book Club, Lego club, Art and craft, Sports, Homework Club. Some are free and some have a small charge of £2.50 for a half term for consumables.
  • We make sure all our clubs and activities are inclusive.

·        We actively help children to make friends through circle times and the Christian Values upheld in our Small Church School.
