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Tarleton Mere Brow

CE Primary School

Let Your Light Shine



Tarleton Mere Brow

CE Primary School

Let Your Light Shine

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Contact Details

School Lunches

School Lunches at Mere Brow




School lunches are  free to all children in Reception, Y1 and Y2, the children have two choices on the day of a hot meal ,  and a pudding.


School Meals are cooked on the premises.

Dinner money is £13.50 a week or  £2.70 a day payable in advance , pay in School via card, online or PAYPOINT barcode.

Children may also bring a packed lunch but please read our packed lunch policy for healthy eating and avoid chocolate and fizzy drinks.


Milk is provided for Infants via Cool Milk


Fruit: Each Infant child and Junior (optional Fruity Friday) receives a portion of fresh fruit daily . This is supplied as part of our Healthy eating 5 a day scheme.
