Remote Home Learning Links & Plan
There are lots of excellent web sites with worthwhile activities for children. Below are a selection we recommend. Don't forget to keep checking for any new ones that have been added.
Remote learning weekly plans

Computing - mini missions to do at home - DEVICE FREE
For Nursery/Reception:
Interactive alphabet | Counting fish | CVC machine | Word spinner |
Letters and Sounds videos | Dough Disco | Story books online | Alphablocks |
For Key stage one (Y1 and Y2):
Key words | Alphabet order | Starfall | Letters and Sounds videos |
Story books online | Hickory dickory clock | Guess the shape | Numberblocks |
Phonics Play
For Key stage two (Y3-6):
BBC Bitesize | The great plant escape | Google Earth | |
Mystery Island -Geography mapping | Get Epic Reading | LBQ- learnby ? | |
Musical mysteries- music game | Sir Linkalot - spelling videos | Grammarsaurus |
Maths games:
Useful classroom links: