Foxes: Y5 & Y6
Welcome to Foxes Class!
Learning is Fun in Foxes
Our Class displays, visits and visitors all make an exciting and Creative Curriculum.
This term we will be learning about The Victorians! Here is a breakdown of what we will focus on in each subject area:
Geography: The British Empire, Commonwealth, Trade Links and Southport
Science: Electricity and Light
History: Childhood in the Victorian times and The Railway Revolution
Art: William Morris and decoupage
DT: mechanisms - using cams and creating toys
Music: brass tuition
Computing: Multimedia and Natterhub
PE: Invasion Games and Forest Schools
RE: The Bible and Christmas
PSHE: Me and My Relationships and Valuing Difference
French: Weather
We are extremely proud of our brass in school and that all year 5 and 6s learn to play a brass instrument of their choice in an ensemble context.
We also have a biannual residential visit to Borwick Hall scroll below..
Year 6 Sats info.
2023-2024 Learning
- Knowledge Organiser - Autumn - Art - William Morris
- Knowledge Organiser - Autumn - DT- Mechanical and moving toys
- Knowledge Organiser - Autumn - History - Victorians
- Knowledge Organiser - Autumn - Geography - Empires
- Knowledge Organiser - Autumn - Science - Electricity
- Knowledge Organiser - Autumn - Science - Light
2022-2023 Learning
- Spring 2 - Knowledge Organiser - Geography - The River Nile
- Spring 2 - Knowledge Organiser - History - The Kingdom of Benin
- Spring 2 - Knowledge Organiser - Science - Evolution and Inheritance
- Spring 1 - Knowledge Organiser - History - Ancient Egypt
- Spring 1 - Knowledge Organiser - Geography - Africa
- Spring 1 - Knowledge Organiser - Science - Living Things and Their Habitats
- Spring 1 - Knowledge Organiser - Art - Africa
- Spring 1 - Knowledge Organiser - DT - Africa (Mechanisms)
- Autumn 2 - Knowledge Organiser - History - World War 2
- Autumn 1 and 2 - Knowledge Organiser - Geography - The UK
- Autumn 2 - Knowledge Organiser - Science - Let's Investigate!
- Autumn 2 - Knowledge Organiser - Art - World War 2
- Autumn 2 - Knowledge Organiser - DT - World War 2
- Autumn 1 - Knowledge Organiser - History - World War 1
- Autumn 1 - Knowledge Organiser - Science - Forces
- Autumn - Vocabulary Spine - tier 2 and 3 words - Year 5 and 6
Previous Learning...
RSE letter 2021
Link to Mr. Crane's music folder of videos Brass lessons